My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong as I Expected

My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong as I Expected

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru; Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru. -Monologue; Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabu Kome wa Machigatte Iru; Как и ожидалось, моя школьная романтическая жизнь не удалась; Yahari Ore no Seishun Rabukome
The manga starts with Hachiman Hikigaya giving a bitter rant about high school while sitting at the back of his class. He is invited to join the service club by Yukino Yukinoshita, who has a reputation as being very pretty, despite her cold demeanor. The club’s job is to help people in the school by doing things like providing them with help in studies and solving their personal problems.
Type: manga
Status: OnGoing
Published: 2012
Score: 8.77
Views: 148
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