

Bezdomny bóg;Dieu errant;Dieu égaré;Dio randagio;Dios callejero;El dios errante;Kóbor Isten;Nora-gami;Noragami: Başıboş Tanrı;Noragami: Stray God;Stray God;Streunender Gott;Vị Thần Lang Thang;Бездомный бог;Норагами;нораґамі;خدای ولگرد;نوراغامي;نوراگامی;नो
Briefly about Noragami manga: Yato is a minor god without a single shrine dedicated to him. He is unlucky, but his life changes when he saves Iki Hiyori after she accidentally falls from the top of a building. She cannot pay him back for saving her life and leaves him in debt. She is stuck with him until her problem gets resolved–giving him an opportunity to gain fame, recognition, and one dedicated shrine.
Type: manga
Status: Completed
Artists: ADACHI Toka
Authors: ADACHI Toka
Published: 2010
Score: 8.39
Views: 61
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